KALA 88.5 FM

KALA-FM是圣. 竞技宝app下载安装.

Located on the second floor of the Galvin Fine Arts and Communication Center, KALA's mission is to provide a broadcast quality learning lab for St. 竞技宝app下载安装's communication students and to serve the Quad Cities community with diverse music, news, 和信息.

KALA播放各种各样的节目,包括爵士乐、布鲁斯、R&B and hip-hop, Latino and Spanish language programming, gospel and public service segments. Occasional live music, features, news, podcasts, and live home/remote coverage of St. 竞技宝app下载安装的体育赛事也可以在88收听.5FM和KALA-FM hd2106.1FM. 你也可以收听我们的播客 SoundCloud. Program 承销 和生产 rates are available upon request.

KALA-FM每学年向St. 竞技宝app下载安装学生在良好的学术地位. 五项奖学金中有三项颁发给归国学生. The remaining two scholarships are awarded to first-year and/or transfer students. Scholarship recipients work in the radio station throughout the academic year gaining valuable real-world experience in broadcasting, 营销与传播, 和生产. 学生不需要是传播学专业也可以申请.

KALA公共检查档案 听KALA


The Stinger


The Stinger is a student-produced online radio station producing the freshest and hottest music. 

听听The Stinger

KALA-FM 88.5 and 106.1

KALA serves the Quad Cities and the University while providing a unique opportunity for SAU students to have a real-world broadcast experience.


Would you like to support KALA while getting your business/organization announced on the air 同时? 如果是这样,我们有几种方法可以做到这一点!

As a non-commercial, educational FM radio station, KALA is prohibited by federal law from making promotional 公告 for for-profit enterprises. However, 同时, we must notify our listeners of those enterprises who have supported programming on KALA. 鉴于此, KALA has two ways you can have 公告 about your business/organization made on KALA.


第一种方式是成为KALA竞技宝app下载的支持者,特别是 non-profit 组织. 公告 can air for 501(c)(3) 非营利组织 in 30-second lengths (usually) scheduled to promote the organization, 它的活动, 或者一个特定的事件. These types of 公告 are commonly referred to as Public Service 公告, or PSAs. 要了解更多关于如何在广播中获得PSA的信息,请点击这里.


第二种方式是作为KALA的助推器加入我们. 这对个人来说是个绝佳的机会,或者 以营利为目的的商业,感谢他们对KALA节目的支持. 这种类型的消息将被视为 承销 announcement and must follow strict Federal Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines. The content of this announcement is KALA's responsibility, and this 公告是一种确认 而不是广告. 公告可以给, 根据FCC规则:企业名称, address, phone number, 业务类型, 和价值中立的声音符号的支持者. Individuals can also be recognized with their name as a supporter of KALA programming.

1(一个)公告- $15
10个公告- 150美元
20个公告- 250美元
50个公告- $500
100个公告- 750美元

*请注意- 公告 MAY 包括以下内容:

  • 保险人的名字
  • 真诚的公司口号
  • 营业地点
  • 电话号码及/或网址
  • 经营年限
  • 对产品或业务的价值中性描述
  • Trade names, products or service listing which help identify the business
  • 目标市场的描述

公告 MAY NOT include:

  • 比较描述或语言
  • 定性描述或语言
  • 价格信息
  • 行动号召
  • 购买、出售、出租或租赁的诱因

The KALA Booster may likely be included with other supporters grouped together. 所有对KALA的捐款必须预先支付 在广播前通知电台经理.  公告可以在一周、一个月、一年等时间内播出. 这取决于投稿人. The client chooses a schedule convenient for both the organization/business and KALA Radio to schedule the 公告. 公告在30天内只能更改一次. 额外的修改将收取25美元每次更新.

请记住, KALA的承保公告不是商业广告, 但这是一种感谢你对本站支持的方式. They can contain very important information about your business for our listeners. Ultimately, they tell others you care about our station, our programming, and our listeners. Each announcement will be accepted on a case-by-case basis at KALA. There is no "grandfathered" or alternative 承销 schedules accepted other than this 官方文件. KALA reserves the right to not accept 承销 or public service 公告 for any reason.

Download the 承保合同协议书 (pdf)


Studio production is a separate category of the services KALA may provide. 在制作工作室, KALA has the ability to produce commercial spots that can be aired elsewhere, 工业产品, 还有旁白——完成了天赋/剧本的准备. KALA has a complete and fully-licensed music and sound effects library available. The per-hour (or portion of any hour) rate for production at KALA is $50, 而且至少要提前支付一个小时的费用. 下午5点以后的任何时间.m. weekdays and any time on weekends will be charged an additional $20 per hour. Studio usage must be arranged through the station manager AND will be supervised by at least one of our departmental staff members. KALA不租用设备. Payment is required in advance for at least one hour of production at the time of scheduling with the station manager.



KALA (FM) makes every effort we can to keep our community up to date with information about area events. Public service 公告 (PSAs) are read over the air live at no cost to 非营利组织. There is no guarantee as to how many times your community event will be announced, 但这是一项免费服务.

至少要把公益广告发给卡拉 提前2(2)周 事件日期的. 所有的公告都必须如此 typed 或整齐地印刷. 我们需要知道 谁,什么,何时,何地,为什么 非盈利活动. 联系人姓名, 请提供电话号码或电子邮件地址, 以防我们对你的声明有疑问.

如果您的公告是西班牙语/西班牙语格式, we require that to be in the Spanish language because we do not have staff available to translate those messages.

Please do not call in 公告 to the KALA office or request line. 出于法律目的,我们不能通过电话获取信息. Also, due to the busy nature in the studio and various activities during a "live" radio show, the KALA request line is restricted to music requests ONLY and not to be used for station business.


U.S. 邮件:KALA-FM, 518w. 加州达文波特市蝗虫街,邮编52803

KALA cannot accept public service 公告 from a third party source. 公告 should be from a bona fide non-profit organization, church, or community group. KALA (FM) is prohibited from accepting political advertising because we are a non-commercial radio station. Pre-recorded and scheduled 公告 from legitimate 非营利组织 can be arranged. 详情请联系KALA办公室,电话:(563)333-6219.

Any announcement that reaches us late or does not meet our requirements CANNOT be considered for broadcast. A 24-hour KALA public service announcement information help line has been established at (563) 333-6450. 如果您有进一步的问题,可以在这里留言.

You may also download a suggested submission form (Acrobat Reader PDF format):


David Baker、总经理




KALA Radio
518 W. Locust St.
达文波特,IA 52803


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